Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Fever

I am ready for nice weather!!  I just came across this photo of us at the zoo last fall, and we just got an invitation to pick up a zoo membership in the mail... so I'm thinkin' ZOO TRIP pretty soon!  Any of you mom's wanna join us for an animal adventure playdate soon?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Giveaway Goodies!!

Check out my friend Michelle's giveaway!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cute things with Daddy

So Hubby was just about to walk out the door to pick up a few items at Costco; "Say Bye to Daddy" I told Little Guy and he walks to the door and then picks up his shoes and asks to go in the car!  He's never done that before... of course Hubby couldn't resist... so my men left me alone to run errands.

While there Little Guy learned the wonder of the food demonstrators (apparently TOAST was a big hit) and then while looking through produce he named a lot of fruit and veggies for Hubby.  He became especially fond of  a pineapple... which he then told Hubby and anyone within earshot all about... "Pineapple starts with the letter P" and "Pineapple has spikes" and "Pineapple has leaves" and so on.  I credit it to his amazing memorization skills of this book we checked out from the library.

Then later on at home we were enjoying the very same pineapple for dessert when I asked, "So how do you like your pineapple?" and got the completely random answer...

"I got a haircut!"

He just cracks me up!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Laundry

I don't love the laundry, but I like it best when I do it.  My shirts get hung right away, and so do Hubby's-so no ironing is needed : ) I watch for stains, things get folded just how I want them... yes, I am a bit of a laundry control freak... I have this beautiful laundry sorter that we got at Costco that was worth every penny (especially since I waited patiently 4 months for a $10 coupon on it!) plus I have this strict policy of 1 LOAD PER DAY , but somedays I still seem to miss something we need... like when hubby runs out of undershirts... I know I shouldn't feel as though I'm an inferior home maker for not sending him off in a pristine bleached white undershirt... but some how I do.  So I made this:

I place it in the neatly folded stack of undershirts, then when there are just two left, he puts it on my nightstand-giving me just the time warning I need so I don't feel like I've fallen down on the job!  

Thanks to Beckie for talking about her "Reminder Board" for reminding me about this handy idea!